All the proposals are now available to view on the RBS website. Go to the First@108 page and click on each of the finalists names to link to their proposal.

Or click here for a direct link to my proposal.

If you would like to comment on the proposals, you can have your say on the RBS blog here:

But if you do want to, do it quick, as I am presenting to the selection committee next Wednesday so if you want your comments taken into account, you need to do it by Tuesday. But please don’t feel you need to comment favourably on my proposal if it is not genuine, as that would just be bit obvious and rather embarrassing for me. The comments box already has one that starts “I think my mummy Briony Marshall should be in the hospital because….”!

There is also now a display at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for patients, visitors and staff to see and leave comments. So if you are in the area you can get a brief overview. I believe it is on the ground floor in the main entrance and looks like this:


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