A fascinating exhibition exploring the current environmental crisis curated by school children.
I have two of my rammed earth sculptures in an exhibition that is opening on Thursday 13th Feb in South East London: Eltham. The exhibition, exploring the science behind the environmental crisis through art, has been selected by students between the ages of 14 & 18 from Eltham College. I was there this morning installing my work and it has some really great work in it from all over the world.
Environmental Crisis Exhibition
Science and Art
Gerald Moore Gallery
Eltham College
Mottingham Lane,
Private View: Thursday 13th Feb 2020 4 – 8 pm
Exhibition continues until Saturday 14 March
It is open Tues 4pm-7pm and Sat 10am-4pm Free entry
Gerald Moore Gallery presents Environmental Crisis Exhibition, Science and Art. This is the second year in a row that Gerald Moore Gallery has focused on an exhibition celebrating the link between Science and Art. This year’s call out focused on the Environmental Crisis; being such a prevalent issue in the news and holding such importance for young people, we decided the shortlisting of artists’ works would be decided upon by students at Eltham College, aged between 14-18.
The artworks selected focus on the major impacts we face: climate change, degraded air quality, deforestation, the decrease of animal population, land and sea pollution, soil erosion and biodiversity losses. As a gallery with learning at its core we want to give space to raising awareness of these challenges and encourage everyone to act.
Over 50 different artists were shortlisted, the works range from sculpture, photography, installation, video, painting and performance. There will also be a series of events alongside this exhibition: talks, debates, performances and workshops.

Earthtime and Disruption, 2017, Rammed Earth On show at Gerald Moore Gallery until the 14th March
For more information on this series of works click here