Artist Statement

I am very interested in the idea of art practice as research and what the artist practitioner can bring to a subject that goes beyond traditional scientific research. I am interested in how you combine good art and good science without compromising either. I have revised my early aversion to any kind of artistic license but wield this privilege with a sense of responsibility having previously studied Biochemistry.

My working method starts with research into the science behind an idea or phenomenon so that I can establish an in-depth understanding. From this springs my inspiration for sculptures or installations that go beyond illustration or explanation and instead seek insights into the implications of the science for our understanding of truth and meaning. At times this means drawing parallels between what happens at tiny scales and how humans behave in society; at others it is finding subtle resonances.

Using an evolving understanding of form, space and material, I then work up these ideas into fully resolved objects or installations that can affect the viewer both intellectually and viscerally.

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Carnegie Stages
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